A few additional bug fixes from the last beta. Most significantly, auto-accepting text chats will no longer result in incoming messages popping up in front of existing chats.

Changes from Chax 2.1.1 Beta 1:

  • (New) Menu item to mute all iChat alert sounds in the Audio menu
  • (Bug) New messages no longer immediately pop to the front when auto-accept is enabled
  • (Bug) Clicking Growl status changes now open an existing chat if available
  • (Bug) Installer now warns if the installing user is part of the group wheel


Ross at 2008-01-10 02:20:28 -0500

Just a small feature request. Could you add the ability to move the tabs to the top or the bottom like we were able to do in the Tiger version. I do not really like them on the side. Thanks.

meatleg at 2008-01-10 04:05:40 -0500

this is great again! i have a spinoff idea from this (although the coding and research into doing so probably would be nothing like a spinoff): (New) Menu item to mute all iChat alert sounds in the Audio menu i would like the ability to FORCE the iChat alert sounds to BE HEARD while video or chatting. for some reason, iChat on my G4 PB doesnt give me an audio alert for a message received whenever i am video chatting. granted i can visual see the name/icon flash in the dock, see the icon bounce and see a growl message, but if you are video chatting you are usually concentrating your visual sensory receptors on the moving picture in front of your face so these visual alerts may go unnoticed. I cant understand why there is no option to force the audio alert during a video chat. if you could add that feature i would love you even more.... thanks

Daniel at 2008-01-10 12:40:22 -0500

Is it feasible to combine buddies in the new Contacts window if they are attached to the same Address card, even if they're not of the same service type?

Steve Grenier at 2008-01-10 15:44:37 -0500

^ I already talked to Kent about this. He said it might be a possible flaw in iChat that won't allow it, but he told me he would look into it more before jumping to any conclusions. Hope that helps.

Sebastian at 2008-01-12 12:35:15 -0500

Well done, the bugfix preventing iChat from crashing works perfect. There's just one little thing that I don't like about the Contacts window yet: It doesn't remember it's previous position and size. Everytime I restart iChat (or for that matter my computer) it is on the right side of my screen at the very top, and I have to move it to the left everytime. Would be nice to see this working in 2.1.1, other than that - great work! (I'm almost not even looking forward to trillian for Mac anymore, because iChat now does everything I need)

Tom Hesser at 2008-01-12 22:13:30 -0500

Hi, I installed Chax for Leopard, but I am not getting any Growl notifications. OmniGrowl is working so it doesn't seem to be Growl, but none of the chat alerts are showing up. I reinstalled Growl 1.1.2 and the latest Chax beta and still nothing. Any ideas? Thank you,

Jesse at 2008-01-13 20:36:51 -0500

Hey first off, just thought I'd say that I LOVE chax. Since leopard, i've been having lots of problems with gtalk disconnecting and it seems that chax doesn't have the reconnect feature anymore. Is this feature going to make a comeback? I think it's one of the most valuable

Tom at 2008-01-14 21:48:33 -0500

Chax is awesome! One feature request - would it be possible to make the "All Contacts" window behave exactly like the Jabber List window? I.e, separate Buddies and offline people, and automatically grown and shrink to show the currently online people?

pepelsbey at 2008-01-15 11:00:41 -0500

Just wondering: why can i rearrange groups manually in GTalk contacts list and can't in common contacts list? Is it bug or feature? Thanks.

pepelsbey at 2008-01-15 11:02:23 -0500

Oops. It's ok after updating to 2.1.1b2…