Chax for Mac OS X
Chax is no longer under active development and does not work with any versions of OS X later than Snow Leopard (10.6).
Chax's source code is available on GitHub.
You can still download versions of Chax for older versions of Mac OS X:
Chax is a collection of minor modifications and additions that make using Apple's iChat more enjoyable.
Removing Chax
There are two ways to remove Chax. The quickest way is to run the Chax installer and select "Remove". If you've upgraded to a newer version of Mac OS X and need to manually remove Chax, open ~/Library/ScriptingAdditions (~ indicates your home folder) and move ChaxAddition.osax to the trash. After logging out and back in, empty the trash.
- Unified contact list shows all contacts from all accounts in one window
- Growl notifications for new messages and users changing status
- Automatically resize the contact list to fit the number of visible users
- Powerful, searchable log viewer that can also browse images and URLs from past conversations
- Activity log that displays your contacts' status changes
- Auto-accept file transfers, AV chats, and screen sharing requests
- Always on top option for contact list, message windows and AV chats
- Set font of names, status messages, and group separators
- Option to immediately display new messages, skipping the notification window
- Show status changes directly in the message window
- Additional unread message notifications in the Dock
- Automatically hide chat windows and contact lists when iChat is inactive
- Toggle text status visibility of users
- Properly use ICQ accounts without sending text formatting in messages
Version History
Chax is currently localized to these languages:
- English
- Dutch (Martijn Körvers)
- French (Yann Ricquebourg)
- German (Christoph Schmitz)
- Polish (Pawel Labunko)
- Russian (Denis Avdeev)
- Spanish (Pau Aguilar)
Chax icon created by Adam Betts.
Additional thanks to Michael Simmons for extensive testing and feature suggestions.
Portions of this software copyright (c) 2008 John Engelhart (RegexKitLite)
Portions of this software copyright (c) 2003-2010 Jonathan 'Wolf' Rentzsch and other contributors (mach_inject)
Chax comes with no warranty. Any damage caused to your computer, however unlikely, is your own responsibility.

Receive Growl notifications of iChat events.

Built-in, searchable log viewer.

Use the log viewer to browse images sent in previous conversations.

Use the log viewer to browse links sent in previous conversations.

View status changes in conversation windows.

Change options directly in the iChat preferences.

Toggle visiblity of text statuses.

View senders' buddy icons directly in the dock.